Building Expansion

For years we have been praying and planning to expand our sanctuary. We are now within weeks of plans being submitted for permits, and (Lord willing) construction will begin next spring! 

The Project will include:

  • Moving out the sanctuary wall 40 feet into the parking lot, doubling our current sanctuary seating capacity.
  • Giving us a larger and more workable stage.
  • Providing additional storage to open up more classroom space for us in our Sunday School wing.
  • Adding additional parking spaces.
  • Allowing us to meet as a church family together in one service.

Building Expansion Cost

Would you please be in prayer about giving to the building expansion?

The project is estimated to cost around $1.5 million, and through the generosity of our church family, we have about $750,000 already saved in the building fund. So now we want to invite you and ask you to prayerfully consider what God is calling you to give towards this sanctuary expansion. 

We will have cards in the sanctuary (or you can use the online form HERE) that you can fill out to let us know what you believe the Lord is calling you to give towards this project. It is strictly for budgeting purposes so that by January 1st, we will have a good idea of our financial situation going forward. 

The church is best when we can gather together....together!